AR × Location based information

First, this mobile app isn’t Pokemon GO. I developed the app that can detect environments to show 3D models. It depends on location information to switch them on my cloud server. I want to launch an app for fashion journalists and instagrammers to use this technology.


The uncut video is below.

Hand motion sensor × 3D scan

I developed the app that users can pick up and throw my 3d model by a motion sensor. Unfortunately, the 3D body scanner that I used couldn’t apply the texture data.


The uncut video is below.


I developed the app that users see the more reality. 3D clothes of their design which drew on the paper than just the smartphone screen.


The uncut video is below.


This is app that users can chat with other users and AI on a 3D world. It’s possible to change the 3D clothes of their design that they drew on the paper to press a button on a screen.


The uncut video is below.